Column By Writer:
Da XPW Kid

Hello everyone, you may know of me from the Message Boards and other XPW sites.  I’ve written the Behind the Curtains series of columns and even ran my own XPW fansite, XPWFans, which will be back…one day.  So, I’m here to bring you, the viewers, my own Xtreme View.

In a recent thread on the XPWTV MSG Board, someone asked how they had found out about XPW in the first place.  I personally found out about XPW in a 4-page article in WOW magazine.  As an ECW ‘mark’ I took interest in this but didn’t really become a fan because they were against ECW.  Later, when ECW went bankrupt, I became a huge CZW fan.  On the CZW message boards, people constantly bashed XPW to the point that I had to see it to believe it.  So I ordered my first XPW tape, a Best of XPW Deathmatch compilation, and absolutely loved it.  Soon after, CZW was no longer my favorite thread, XPW was!  So there’s a lesson to be learned here…don’t listen to others on the Internet – See it for yourself.

So, there you are folks.  I apologize for my column being so short.  It’s just that there’s so little XPW news to discuss just now.  Things will hopefully pick up soon with the upcoming ‘Best Of’ PPV and the impending return of XPW.  See you soon.

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